Pet Blessing Recap

Hello Neighborhood, It was a privilege and a joy to share a blessing for the animals on this past Earth Day! With my candle lit, and representations of sky, sea, and ground -- for all the dwellings -- I lead a loving-kindness meditation. I wanted to share a link to the Instagram story. But I'm sorry to report I had a technology fail and lost it. Nevertheless, I'm grateful to the moments I had to honor dear friends and the animals you care about. 💚 A Blessing... May our pets near and far be happy, well, and peaceful. May the farm and ranch, therapy, and service animals be happy, well, and peaceful. For the critters that live in or visit our yards, may they be happy, well, and peaceful. For the interconnected relationships between all creatures, humanity, and the Earth, we are grateful. May we all be happy, well, and peaceful.